Friday, April 29, 2011

He Is Risen!

Happy Easter to all of you. Our Easter weekend was filled with fun, candy, and worship. In all, we had 4 different Easter egg hunts put on by various neighbors, family, and park districts. Lila's favorite phrase all weekend (which she muttered over 100 times) was "open it", referring to any plastic egg she just found which would contain candy or toys. Lucy and Lila loved running around in their dresses and we had a wonderful family meal hosted by Kim's parents. Thanks to Kristin and Eric for some great pictures as well.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Mama and Titi

So yesterday was Kim's birthday and so I was working on teaching Lila how to sing happy birthday.  There wasn't much success, but Kim captured this today:

A few notes of translation: Lila is currently obsessed with her aunt Titi and uncle Kunkle.  For some reason she thinks it's both Mama and Titi's birthday - hence "mama-titi".  Also, she always wants to watch the video while we're filming ("I see, I see").  I hope you all enjoy this as much as Kim and I did.