Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Key Lime Cove Water Park

A few weekends ago we all went to an indoor water park for an overnight excursion.  The kids were able to play in the park, and after they were down all the adults could go on the bigger slides and relax a bit.  It was so much fun we think it should become a yearly tradition.  

Here is Lucy helping us with our ice cream sundae (this was shared between all of us). 
Lucy was so excited to go to the park that she was acting like such a goofball in the car.  Here was her new "style" for the trip there.
When the slides got old, we hung out on the lazy river and enjoyed some cuddling time. 
Grammy and Puppy supplied the new, and cute, robes for Milo and Lucy.  They loved them and looked adorable together.
Typical joyful Lila.  Like her sister she loves the water too.
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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Parades and more Parades

We enjoyed two different St. Patrick's Day parades. Lucy referred to them as the "loud" parade and the "soft" parade. She wasn't a fan of the more boisterous Forest Park parade, although she loved the suckers that they were handing out. She also was a fan of the beads and the funny hats. It was such a thrill for her to see people dressed up in funny clothes in all different shades of green! She kept saying, "Look Mom I see more green!" The soft parade was the Northwest Chicago parade and was held in Norwood Park where Kristin and Eric live. It was great to be able to be right in Kristin and Eric's community. Next year we are going to do the downtown Chicago parade as long as Lucy isn't too afraid of it being "too loud."

Lila was so tuckered out after all the parades that this is how she ended the day in her car seat!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

St. Paddy's Day!!

On St. Paddy's Day we took the girls out to an Irish Pub for some corned beef and beer (the beer was for us not the girls). It was an absolutely gorgeous day in Chicago so we enjoyed sitting outside while eating. It totally made us excited for the spring to finally be here so that we can do more outdoor activities. After dinner we went to an ice skating show at the local park district. Lucy loved watching the little kids perform and both her and Lila were totally engrossed in the performance. We were hoping to inspire Lucy to want to take ice skating lessons next winter!

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Megan's Birthday Party

So this first picture is just a random picture of little 6 1/2 month Lila. She seriously spends most of her days with this total and utter look of glee on her face. She is always smiling (just like her dad) and she just LOVES life. I can't even tell you how much it warms my heart to see her all out smile--maybe in part because it reminds me so much of my wonderful hubby!

A couple of weeks ago our neighbor, Megan had her 2nd b-day. Lucy loved her b-day party, the cupcakes, jumping on the trampoline, and the festivities were a big hit with her. Below Lucy is pictured with Megan's sister, Natalie, who goes to school with Lucy. Aren't they so cute together? In this picture Lucy looks so grown up to me, where did my little baby go?
Enjoying a cupcake in her pj's. The beauty of hanging out with neighbors is that you can go over to their house in pj's (well at the least the kids can).
The birthday girl and Lucy jumping on the trampoline!!
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