Thursday, March 11, 2010

Megan's Birthday Party

So this first picture is just a random picture of little 6 1/2 month Lila. She seriously spends most of her days with this total and utter look of glee on her face. She is always smiling (just like her dad) and she just LOVES life. I can't even tell you how much it warms my heart to see her all out smile--maybe in part because it reminds me so much of my wonderful hubby!

A couple of weeks ago our neighbor, Megan had her 2nd b-day. Lucy loved her b-day party, the cupcakes, jumping on the trampoline, and the festivities were a big hit with her. Below Lucy is pictured with Megan's sister, Natalie, who goes to school with Lucy. Aren't they so cute together? In this picture Lucy looks so grown up to me, where did my little baby go?
Enjoying a cupcake in her pj's. The beauty of hanging out with neighbors is that you can go over to their house in pj's (well at the least the kids can).
The birthday girl and Lucy jumping on the trampoline!!
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1 comment:

Kathy's This and That said...

Kim's not exaggerating when she describes little Lila bird! She is a constant ray of's impossible to be in a bad mood around her.

Wouldn't it be fun to eat a purple topped cupcake with total abandon. That's how I think of Lucy...Total Abandon? (no matter what she's doing! She could teach some of us adults a thing or two about what's really important in life. I think she's learned this from her parents who frolic through life with their kids. It's such a joy for a mom (me) to watch her daughter invest herself totally in her kids! And you should see Lucy's reaction when her Dad comes home from work! Total delight!