Sunday, November 22, 2009

Three Month Talkers

Today is Lila's three month birthday. Wow how time has flown! Lila is an absolute delight. She is much more serious and intense than Lucy was at this age. She is also quite observant and really likes to people watch. She is such a little sweetie and just lights up our days. She not only looks a lot like her father, but she also has more of his temperament. We continue to call her "little Don" because she reminds us so much of Don. I can't believe how well she fits into our family after only three short months. I feel so blessed to be her mom. What an incredible gift she is to us! As you can see from the video, she has really begun to coo up a storm. In fact when she has face to face time with us she just lights up and loves to make little noises.

This is a picture of her taken tonight where she is modeling the hat her Titi gave her for her three month birthday!


Little's said...

what a sweetheart! I love her little "voice". What a delight:) Maybe we can meet her in a few short weeks when we visit:)

Kristin said...

LOVE that little girl...glad you like the hat!