Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Lucy's Dedication

Last weekend we flew to Chicago for Lucy's dedication. We had the dedication at my parent's house. We decided to do the dedication in Chicago, instead of at our home church in Baltimore so that more of our family members could participate. We had a brunch, which my family totally helped me make. We then had an informal ceremony which was led by Don's dad. Don's parents flew in from Lynden, Washington and Don's brother, his wife, and their two kids drove in from Grand Rapids. We also had friends from Chicago attend, which was wonderful. We are so thankful to my parents for graciously extending their hospitality to our family and friends. It was truly a very meaningful day for Don and I. It was very important to us to make a public commitment regarding our intention of raising Lucy to know the Lord. As Christian parents, the dedication was our affirmation that we are responsibile for continually seeking God's wisdom as we strive to raise her in His image.

At one point during our "ceremony," I will admit that I was relieved that we were at my parent's house and not in chruch. This moment occurred when Lucy pulled my dress down and exposed my bra for anyone that was looking. Thankfully we were amongst friends!
We thought it was appropriate to put the following verse on the cake: "Let the little children come to me...for theirs in the kingdom of heaven" Matthew 19:14

Me and my sister-in-law, Susie.
Lucy changed out of her party dress into more comfortable attire for some more photo ops with family and friends. Here we are with Mary and Dino.
We felt so blessed to be able to spend the weekend with Don's family. We had great conversation, fellowship, food, and of couse we played lots of fun games. It wouldn't be a Vander Griend family gathering without game playing.
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Anonymous said...

What a fun celebration...and Lucy was very entertaining during the dedication!

Unknown said...

I loved the dedication! you need to send me pictures so I can post it on the blog so others might be able to do something similar. Eric and I were talking about how we really liked the idea. I really liked talking to Kristin and eric too...
Also my apologies for not getting back to you with the info about the website. we left for WI this week because my grandma died. The website is I think. It's on my list of blogs so if that's wrong check there if you haven't already planned everything.