Thursday, August 28, 2008

State Fair

Last weekend we went with my friend, Lisa, to the Maryland State Fair. We enjoyed funnel cake and Lucy had her first taste of a corn dog. It was fun to people watch, and believe me there were plenty of let's say "interesting" people there. The best part was that Lucy was able to see lots of animals. I never knew how noisy sheep could be. It was a little alarming actually. One of the farm kids even let Lucy pet her rabbit. Although I hope that it was OK for her to pet the animals. Is that even sanitary for a toddler?

I think these were part of the goat exhibit, although now I don't really remember which species they were. Maybe they were sheep that had been sheared?
We asked Lucy which t-shirt she wanted and as you can see from the picture above she pointed to the one that she liked best! The picture below was of a mama cow and and her baby that she delivered only 3 hours before. She was actually still passing the after birth by the time we got to the exhibit. I thought it was best to crop off the after birth part of the picture!

The picture below is Lucy's classic grimace/scowl face. I guess she did have reason to scowl. I mean it's a real bummer when you get stuck in a bowl and can't get out!
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Unknown said...

Please tell me you got the child her lil' redneck shirt.

Kristin said...

that last picture reminds me of a picture of you kim at about that mother like daughter!

Kathy's This and That said...

What a great picture! She reminds me sooooo much of her mom at the same age. What a darling imp!