Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Lucy's friend, Lily, had her first birthday party recently. The food was amazing as was the incredible butterfly cake. Lily has this overstuffed kid's armchair that was a big hit. Lucy kept climbing all over it! Don't the girls look so cute sitting together in their party dresses? Don also recently celebrated his 32nd birthday. On the night of his birthday, we met some friends in the park for the final concert of the summer. We enjoyed a yummy picnic that I had packed, although by the end of the night Lucy had spilled red wine on her pants, my shorts, and Don's shirt. I guess it serves me right for bringing red wine to a picnic with a bunch of toddlers running around. I also surprised Don with a cake, which was a fun way to end the night.




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Emily said...

you look gorgeous in that top pic with your hair back. what a bronze beauty. Eleanor also has that dress Lucy is wearing--we must have similar taste! Have you been watching the conventions? can you believe they are asking Palin's daughter to get married????

Unknown said...

I was going to say the same thing about your tan.
You are going to miss nice weather, you have so many fun things to do there when it is nice!