Friday, September 19, 2008

Science Center Outing with Mom

This week Lucy and I went on a little excursion to the Maryland Science Center. Lucy had a blast! She enjoyed romping around the water bed, throwing balls around, and building foam block towers and then making them crash down. She was so explorative and engaged. She spent almost two hours in the kids room and she wasn't even sick of it when it was time to leave. It reminded me of stories I heard about when I was a kid when my parents couldn't wear me out.
One of the highlights was this water table. Lucy was holding her own around the big kids. She sure looked cute in her little poncho (although she was still soaked by the time we were finished). I couldn't believe how curious she was about the exhibits, maybe we have another budding scientist on our hands!
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Kristin said...

I want to go to the Science Center with you and Lucy!

Jenna said...

that warms my heart! to think of lucy becoming a scientist like her daddy. so cute. (pronounced "cue-oat")

Kathy's This and That said...

This child is doubt about it! It brings tears to my eyes to see so much of her mother in's nearly uncanny! I wonder what Don's mother has to say about how she might remind her of Don at Lucy's age. I'm so proud of my daughter's seeming unending creativity and desire to provide Lucy with all sorts of fun and stimulating experiences. Lucy's truly blessed to have the parents God gave to her! (And I say this with 100% objectivity ;-)

Gibson said...

I am glad Lucy like the science museum as much as Gibson does.