Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fun Times at the Zoo

We had a blast at the zoo last weekend! We tried to go on Saturday, but when we finally made it there after Lucy's nap we were informed that it closed in a half hour. So take two was on Sunday and it ended up being a beautiful sunny day in Baltimore. We pretty much spent the whole day trying to get Lucy to keep her sunglasses on (she is not a big fan). Although she did enjoy the petting zoo where she was able to make friends with a goat.
The giraffes are my favorite exhibit at the zoo. They are such regal creatures. Lucy was much more interested in the otters. As you can see from the previous blog entry, she has been talking about the otters all week. And when I say "talking," I mean she has just been saying "otter" over and over when prompted.
Here Lucy is doing "So Big!"
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1 comment:

Kathy's This and That said...

I can't get over how much Miss Lucy looks like her mama in this picture. Even more exciting is how much her personality reminds me of her mom!