Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's Snowing!!

Last weekend was bitter cold in Baltimore, but we managed a jam packed weekend of activities anyways. Hey, we're from Chicago like a little cold is going to slow us down :) We went to our favorite brunch spot on Sunday with friends. Lucy had fun interacting with her playmate Gibson. Her pigtails were a little out of control that day. At one point during the meal, Gibson tried to share his juice box with Lucy which was really cute.
On Saturday we went to the Maryland Science Center and hung out in the kid's room. This was the first time that Don was able to go with us and he was in heaven being surrounded by so much science. He wanted to take a picture of Lucy in a lab coat (kind of hard to tell in the picture below). The scientist in him wants to encourage her even at this young age.
Lucy loves to knock down blocks (or anything for that matter).
Building a lego stacking tower with daddy.
Lucy loves the water table at the Science Center. Thank goodness they have little ponchos the kids can wear to protect their clothes, since she was soaked by the time she was done playing.

On Saturday night we met up with some people for the lighting of the Christmas tree in Fell's Point. Although the mayor was late so we never did get to see her light the tree. And earlier that day we had missed by 5 minutes Santa's arrival by tugboat--bummer! But we did walk to the pier in Fell's Point and actually saw the Parade of Lighted Boats. It was absolutely freezing out, but it was snowing and totally beautiful. As you can see from the picture below we bundled up Lucy so much that she only had one eye exposed.
It is kind of hard to tell from this picture, but the boats had different themes and it was pretty to see them lite up with snow falling around us.
By the time the Parade of Lighted Boats was done the Christmas tree was finally lit and we were able to get a family photo before heading home for the night.
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Kristin said...

I miss that little pigtail head! The boats and snow looked lovely!

Maria Sue Rivera said...

Can I just tell you how cute Lucy is with those pigtails?? I LOVED the wild piggies...beyond adorable.