Thursday, December 4, 2008

Our First Time Hosting Turkey Day

So Don and I had a blast planning and executing our Thanksgiving extravaganza! We went a little overboard with the side dishes, but we had so much fun planning the menu! It helped that we have been cooking and preparing weeks in advance (I am a little obsessive). I am so cheesy that I am actually posting pictures of the cornbread shaped liked a turkey and the apple pie we made. I had a blast doing the place settings and Don actually helped me with the glue gun and all. He is actually more crafty than you would think (and I am sure that he appreciates my telling the world this). Bear with me with all the pictures, I was a little excited that we actually pulled off hosting our first Thanksgiving.

The one major mishap was when Lucy pulled my glass of red wine off the side table and doused herself. Of course being the good mother that I am, I ran and grabbed the camera.

I saw on Martha Stewart's website this idea for putting a floral centerpiece in a pumpkin. It was incredibly easy!

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Mandy Kalins said...

Wonderful job on Thanksgiving!! I hosted for the first time this year too - 15 people! I love your centerpieces!

Kristin said...

Ummm...can I eat the corn bread and apple pie again!!! What a wonderful meal!

Little's said...

umm are you serious! And how did you have time to do all of this??? Unbelieveable...I would ask for your receipes..but lets be realistic cook? ya right!

Jenna said...

hey lucy,
did you scrap with another lady at the bar?! you look rough!!!
(and, yes, i totally would grab the camera, too!!!)

really beautiful. i've come to expect that of you though!!

Vander Griend said...

This is Grandpa Irv. You are Don are quite the culinary experts! What a grerat team you are. I want to be there next time. Could you arrange it that Thanksgiving is in the summer next year?