When my dad was in town we took a day trip to DC. We walked along the mall and saw a number of the memorials, had a picnic, and took Lucy on a carousel ride. We love going to DC and realized that this will probably be our last trip before we move-how sad.Don and my dad at the Vietnam Memorial.
My grandpa is a WWII veteran from Minnesota so we had to this a picture at the WWII memorial.
Lucy loved the carousel that was located on the mall near the Washington Monument. She continues to talk about it, saying "round and round" and "horsey goes up and down."
okay...i know you're saying that "Minnesot-" pic is for Gramps, but it's really for me. i know. i can feel the love.
lookin' good, hot mama!
How fun for P to hang out with Lucy amongst the lovely flowers. Yes it must be sad to leave D.C., but Chicago will have plenty of activities waiting for you, especially in the summer! Love, Mer
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