Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lila's 5 Months

The past 5 months have just flown by! Lila is so much bigger than Lucy was at this age. She is either smiling bigger than you have ever seen or screaming louder than you can imagine. She is a deep feeler. She is rarely upset, but boy when she is watch out! It is so funny that even at this young age we can already see such a difference in her's and Lucy's personality. She seems to not only look like Don, but she may even share some of his personality traits. Lila is an observer. She is more observant and perhaps intuitive. It is so fun to speculate about what kind of a person she will develop into. She has a smile that lights up a room (just like her Dad)! We continue to call her bird because when she was a baby she was so dainty she reminded us of a bird. Now that she is no longer dainty we call her "buddha bird" or our newest "love bird" or really any variation on bird. She doesn't sleep at night nearly as well as her sister did. But then we knew it was pretty rare for a 6 week old to sleep 12 hours at night. She loves to see her mama and daddy's faces and lately little Lucy has been getting the biggest smiles. We are so thankful for the past 5 months and can't image our lives with out our "little Don" (aka little bird, aka Lila Joy). Below she is pictured with my friend, Chi's son James who is only a couple weeks younger than Lila.

Now what do you want to say about that smile??

Thanks to Cathie for the cute top and to Katie for the adorable Uggs!

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