Sunday, January 3, 2010

Merry Christmas!

This is the first Christmas in 8 years that Don and I haven't traveled. We REALLY missed being with Don's family, but it sure was nice to not have to travel with two young kids. Being at home for Christmas gave us an opportunity to try and make our own family traditions. We went sledding, saw a light display, made homemade pizza, watched Christmas vacation, painted wrapping paper, and finally decorated that gingerbread house we never got around to in previous years. One of the most surprising things was that Lucy was completing disinterested in opening gifts, which was kind of disappointing. But Lila enjoyed it! Lila's first Christmas was very special and memorable indeed!

Lucy is working on her art project which is painting the wrapping paper for her gifts to her family. Don came up with this idea as a fun way of instilling in her the importance of giving as well as receiving gifts.

Here Lucy is singing "Oh Christmas tree" to our Christmas tree. She loves to talk to the Christmas tree and sing it songs. It has become her little friend. I am dreading taking down the tree because she is going to miss it so. Every morning when she wakes up she continues to say, "Good morning my Christmas tree!"

Making pizzas for lunch on Christmas Eve

Family photo at church on Christmas Eve

For a new Christmas tradition, we decided to have a birthday party for Jesus. Milo loved mixing up the cupcakes for Jesus' birthday party!

This was the best shot we could manage of Lucy in her Christmas dress! She wouldn't stop being a "ballerina" long enough to sit still for a picture!

Again the best shot we could get of the cousins. Little Lila was the only one who would cooperate with the photo taking!

What a wonderful Christmas we had as a family of four!! It was filled with new traditions and lots of memories!

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1 comment:

Kristin said...

LOVE the first picture of Lila and Lucy singing to the tree! What a fun Christmas!