Friday, February 26, 2010

Valentine's Day Fun

We had a lot of fun celebrating Valentine's Day this year! Lucy did water color painting, made Valentine's, decorated cookies, made cupcakes for her friends, opened presents and had a little pizza party. Lila pretty much just smiled the whole day which is pretty much how she spends most days. She did open her mail though as you can see from below.

Decorating cookies
Lucy posing with one of the Valentine's she made as her "art project." Pretty funny that she is wearing her Santa pj's for Valentine's Day. She is having a little trouble with Christmas being over and done with. She still asks me where the Christmas tree went!

Lucy displaying the cookies she decorated and Valentine's she made for her family.
Lila "reading" her new bath book she got for V-day!
Lucy making cupcakes for her friends and a cake for Grammy who was unable to join us. How appropriate that she wore her cupcake pj's while baking the treats.

Don and I were able to go out to a nice dinner together to celebrate V-day. I can't take any of the credit, Don planned everything including the babysitting! There are so few pictures of just Don and I on the blog, so I thought I would post one of our date night.
So on the Friday before Valentine's Day I took the girls to a little party at the local recreation center. There were lots of great toys for Lucy to play with and there was even a little play area for Lila. The open gym times are great for entertaining the kids during the long winter months.

It wouldn't be a party without a tutu!!
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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Silly Coo-ers

Lila is on track to be more of a noise maker than her sister Lucy (if you can imagine that).  Here I finally caught her on tape conversing with me.  

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lucy ism's

Lucy's Latest Quotes (Courtesy of her Dad):
1. So remember...
2. I got it, though.
3. Sure!!
4. No, I can't.  I'm nursing my bear.
5. No daddy, I'm not listening. (My least favorite)
6. Excuse me, I'd like to say something!
7. I love my Daddy.  He's my best friend. (My favorite)
8. Mama, you and I, we have so much fun together.

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Baby Showers

I have enjoyed celebrating with my friends Cindy and Laurie at their respective baby showers. Cindy's sisters threw her a lovely shower and it was so fun to be able to anticipate and welcome new baby Gray to the world (coming March 2009). Below is Cindy with Lila at the shower.

Our high school friends. I can't believe we have known each other for 18 years-boy does that make me feel old!!
Lila had a soft spot for Megan!
Kathy and Lila
Above is Laurie and I at her shower in Michigan. Over New Years I was able to celebrate with Laurie at a shower thrown by Craig's aunt. We are so sad that we now live far away from our dear Baltimore friends, so I was ecstatic to be able to partake in her shower celebration. Laurie and Craig are also due in March and we can't wait for the little bambino to arrive.
We had to do a belly shot!
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Visit to Grand Rapids

We had such a fun time in Grand Rapids over New Year's. Our friends, Steve and Bek, invited our whole family to their house to hang out. We had fun going out to dinner and to a party (without kids!) on New Year's Eve. It was also great to spend time with their three boys who played really nicely with Lucy. We are so glad to be back near our Grand Rapids friends and family!!

Lila taking a bath in their sink!!

One day during our trip we met up with my college roommate, Erin, and her family at the Grand Rapids Children's Museum. It was SO fun to see her! We haven't seen each other in almost nine years. She lives in New York and happened to be in Grand Rapids the same time we were in town. It was great to meet her three kids! It felt like old times and made me so sad that we don't live near each other.
Erin and her daughter Hannah.

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