Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter Sunday

We had a lovely Easter with my family. We went to church, decorated Easter eggs, opened Easter baskets, and had an Easter egg hunt. My dad and mom made an amazing Easter dinner. Lila was the star of the show in her new Easter dress. Here she is with Grammy.

Can you believe that this is actually the best shot we got of all the cousins? It isn't even a good picture and it took forever to get it. But don't they look adorable in their little Easter outfits?

Lila's first Easter! She is finally starting to grow some hair!

My parents planned an Easter egg hunt for Milo and Lucy (and Lila was happy to watch). Milo was amazing at finding all the eggs! Lucy didn't find that many eggs, but she somehow managed to find this random hat somewhere at my parent's house.

Don planned an egg decorating activity and he spent all this time setting out all the supplies and then of course the kids weren't even into it. So Don ended up decorating the eggs on his own, but I think at least he had fun with it!

Lila with her first Easter basket! She was actually really into pulling things out of it and loved holding onto the handle and swinging the basket around.
Daddy and his girls before church!
Family shot outside church. I can't believe that everyone was actually looking at the camera!
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1 comment:

Jenna said...

i cannot look at a picture of you,lila, your sis and your mom without saying "cu-ote!" in my head.

all the kiddos look adorable!!!

oh...and funny, because the boys were WAY better at finding easter eggs at two than Jillian is. I mean, SERIOUSLY, she'd have one RIGHT in front her and would miss it.