Saturday, June 5, 2010

Memorial Day in Kewaunee

Our Memorial Day at my parent's cottage in Kewaunee, Wisconsin was so much fun. The weather was incredible and we enjoyed going biking, kayaking, and BBQing. My parents bought outdoor toys and a big inflatable pool for the kids to swim in. The kids were in heaven and it was an exciting way to welcome in the summer months.

Some updates on Lila at 9 months: she waves, says "ba-ba-ba," she is ALMOST crawling and often launches herself at any item in sight. She can pull herself up into a seated position when lying down. And she is in the beginning stages of pulling herself up to standing. She is extremely busy and is very observant. She now has these little outbursts of laughter, usually in response to something Lucy does. She has her two bottom teeth (see below) and she is just getting her two upper teeth.

Doesn't Lila look adorable sportin' her sun hat and sunglasses? For those of you that believe Lila never smiles see picture below. I will admit it is hard to find of picture of her not smiling.

One afternoon my sister, Eric, my dad and I went kayaking on the Kewaunee River while Don stayed back and watched the kids. Nothing like drinking a few beers on a river on a beautiful afternoon!

One beautiful afternoon we took the kids on a bike ride through a National Forest in Door County. It was absolutely perfect weather and the bike ride was so picturesque. We put the kids in attached bike trailers. Lila got her own little comfy ride and of course Milo and Lucy had to ride together. Halfway through the ride we stopped at the beach for some snacks and for some fun in the sun (code for Lucy was complaining the whole time about the sand on her feet).

Best Buddies!
All of us chipped in and bought a bouncy house for the kids for birthday parties and family events this summer. It was a huge hit and was a great way for the kids to burn off some of their energy.
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