Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer is Here!!!

I feel like we have already had a jammed packed summer. I am currently looking to go back to work part time in a few months so I am really trying to take advantage of my summer home full time with the girls. We have had lots of play dates, fun at the pool, outings to the zoo and others places, and good times at the park. The great thing about living in the Chicago area is there are endless things to do with your kids, which is great for me since we all know how I like to keep busy!

The kids are taking a break from swimming to eat some watermelon.
Lucy with her good buddies Cole, Olivia, and Patrick at the zoo. She just loves playing with her friends and her mom likes hanging out with the their mommies!
Milo just LOVES his little Lila Bird.
Is there anything cuter than little kids taking a walk together while holding hands?

Lucy and Olivia after they applied "make-up" at the local Children' Museum.
Lucy "helping" with a cooking project
We had a picnic at the summer festival at Rehm Park. Lucy was thrilled that she got to have a Sponge Bob Square Pants popsicle.
Lucy is trying so hard to make the train move.
One day I took the girls to the Naperville Riverwalk since we had never been there and it was a perfect day to check out a new area. Lucy loved playing in the fountains and Lila enjoyed being pushed in the swing at a new playground.
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