Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dinner Escapades

Last weekend we went out to dinner with Laurie and Craig. It was actually quite the adventure because there was only one highchair in the restaurant and it was of course being occupied. So Lucy spent the majority of the dinner moving all over our booth, putting her hands in our water glasses, and trying to talk to the people next to us. Lucy was thrilled to do dinner without a highchair, we on the other hand were not so thrilled. It was quite an experience to say the least. Thank goodness Craig and Laurie are so very understanding and patient. Next time we are going to make sure we pick a place that has more highchairs (that is if Craig and Laurie will still go out to eat with us).

Last Sunday Lisa and Ryan came over to watch the Bears game. They brought lots of goodies and in true Chicago spirit came dressed in Bears colors. Lucy slept through the entire game which was awesome, but they were able to get some play time in with Lucy after her nap. We had a very enjoyable afternoon except for the fact that the game was the worst one of the season.
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1 comment:

Laurie said...

Of course we'll go out to dinner with you guys again! Just, maybe, Friendly's next time :)