Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What took me so long to check out Storyville?

This is a picture of Lucy watching her favorite DVD "Classical Baby." It is the only show we let her watch (for now at least). If we let her she would watch it 10 times a day, but we limit it to a couple times a week. It is a highlight of her week! She likes to name the animals when they come on the screen. It is pretty cute! Still watching "Classical Baby..." Notice how she is holding her baby, stuffed bear, and blankie. We refer to these as her three "friends" and whenever she picks up one she has to have all three at a time. Sometimes I wish we had started by giving her ten "friends" just to see how funny it would look with her balancing all of them in her arms.
So last weekend we went to Storyville which is part of the Rosedale Public Library. They have created an entire town with different areas, educational toys, and books for kids to explore. There was a "fishing" area, a grocery store, an outdoor garden, stocked kitchen, and tons of toys. It was such a great place (and free) and Lucy had a blast exploring. I just don't know why we haven't made it there before. Here she was going for a ride in a little boat.
She was looking back at me like, "Mom would you quit taking all those pictures, I am trying to play."
Anyone need to be rung up?

She was disappointed to find out that the fruit was plastic.

She is at the stage where she loves to name different kinds of food, so the produce area was a hit. You can see that she likes to hoard bananas.

Lucy you are supposed to build with the blocks, not chew on them!

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Little's said...

Adorable pics! I love her tights with matching shoes!! where did you get that outfit?

Gibson said...

We love Storyville too! Glad you finally made it.