Thursday, January 29, 2009

Go Away!

So the other day I was in the kitchen with Lucy and I could have sworn she was telling me to "go away." It sounded like "go a-way." I was heating her up some chicken and she was emphatically repeating "go a-way," "go a-way," "go a-way" over and over again. Just as I was about to get offended I realized she was pointing to the microwave where I was heating up her lunch. She was trying to say "microwave" but hasn't gotten the "micr" part down yet.

1 comment:

Kathy's This and That said...

What a darling! I can't get over how she is talking so early! Of course, all you need to do is take a look at her parents....or should I say "take a listen" (when Don get s a word in edgewise) who talk with her all day long. Lucy, be sure to tell Mama and Daddy not to put your highchair too close to the "go-away"!