Thursday, October 22, 2009

Just Hanging Out

Here Lucy is enjoying a lazy day cuddling on the couch. Actually she is such a movers that she probably only stayed in that position for less than 5 minutes. Lucy is very much like her mom, she isn't one for resting and is constantly busy.

Mary joined us for an outing to Brookfield Zoo. Lucy loves hanging out with her auntie Mary.

Wide-eyed girl

So this is Kailey's favorite resting spot these days. She uses it so much that Lila barely gets a chance.

Daddy reading to his girls before bedtime

Here Lila is stylin in a hat that Lisa knit for Lucy and that we are now getting use out of for Lila.

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Kristin said...

LOVE the Black and White pic of Lila...she is getting so big!

Emily said...

okay I love Lila in green and your hair looks SO good. Was that just after getting it cut? wow.