Sunday, October 28, 2007

Pumpkin Head

Kim had this brilliant idea: why don't we get a pumpkin, carve it and stick her in it? Sounded cute...and tortuous. So begins our quest to get that perfect Halloween shot. Good thing Craig and Laurie were there to help.

How about this one? She looks sooo happy.

Getting better...Yipee!

Let's try it outside! Where's daddy and how is she staying upright like that?

Good enough.

This the video we shot while trying to get things to work. The only thing that soothed her was the taste of that yummy cold, wet, and raw pumpkin. Happy Halloween!


McCulloch Family said...

OH MY GOODNESS! If this isn't the funniest blog posting I have EVER seen, I don't know what is!?!?!? You crack me up! And I love reading your blog updates...always a riot! Keep up the fun times!!!

Anonymous said...

kim and don - kristin showed me the hilarious card you sent and told me to check out the blog for further details and entertainment. AHH-MAZE-ING. lucy is such a trooper, putting up with her parent's antics. it's all for love, eh.