Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Lil' Peacock

So Don and I have totally become "those" parents. You know the ones-the kind that look for any excuse to show off their kids in their Halloween costumes. Our gallivanting began last Saturday when we went to a Halloween Lantern parade at our local park and then to our neighbor's Halloween party. And last Sunday we went to a parade organized by local moms. The parade was a lot of fun and their were some really cute kids costumes. Here is a picture of Lucy with her friend Gibson, the octopus, at the parade.

We had a lot of fun with Lucy's costume this year. Tonight we went to a costume contest at a local neighborhood called Fell's Point. She didn't win, but we had a lot of fun looking at all the kids costumes.

Our wide eyed peacock!


Anonymous said...

What a cute costume! She is adorable! How could she not win best costume?!?

Unknown said...

Perfect choice of costume!

Anonymous said...

If Lucy came Trick or Treating to my house, I definitely would have given her all of my candy!

Heather said...

I love the costume! I've never seen anything like it. She should have won!