Tuesday, April 1, 2008

More Easter Pictures

So I promise this is my last post from Easter. We got a lot of really great shots that weekend. One funny memory was when the cousins (and Don so he could make sure Lucy didn't topple over) took a bath in my parent's jacuzzi tub. They had a lot of fun splashing around and squirting each other with bath toys. Look at how miniature Lucy looks in such a big tub!Our nephews, Lucas and Asher, enjoyed exploring the Easter baskets that I put together for them. Asher didn't seem to mind that he got a pink Easter basket. Thanks dad for picking those up for me!
Don, Lucy and I after church on Easter Sunday. Willow Creek had a wonderful service. The best part was that we were able to worship with both sides of our families, which doesn't happen very often.

I am so sad that she can't wear this dress again. Don and I had such a great time picking it out. She even had matching little white shoes with pink flowers on them. I have somewhat of an obsession with buying shoes for her. Somehow I can always seem to justify buying shoes. It just seems so practical (never mind the fact that she isn't even walking yet)!
I think I was more interested in Lucy's Easter basket than she was. I put cheerios and puffs in plastic eggs since she obviously can't have candy yet. She also got some new bath toys which of course immediately went in her mouth.
Don and Lucy cuddling together. We had a lovely Easter dinner with my family, Don's parents and Don's brother and his family. It was a day filled with lots of memories.
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Gibson said...

There is nothing cuter than four kids in a tub=)

Unknown said...

Possibly the most angelic-looking child I have ever seen.