Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a fun and relaxing weekend with Lucy. The weather was gorgeous in Baltimore, so it actually felt like summer. We went on a walk through a local park and took a picnic lunch with us. Lucy is at this stage now where she points at things and jabbers as if she is asking the name of the object she is pointing to. She spent most of our picnic pointing at different things, such as the leaves, the trees, and our food. We were having an enjoyable afternoon until a dog came running up to us and ate our dessert. You can imagine how disappointed Don was to see his delectable dessert inhaled by that scrappy dog.
On Memorial Day we went on a walk in the Inner Harbor and did some shopping. Later in the afternoon we had our friends, Craig and Laurie, over for a BBQ. Lucy was all decked out in her patriotic clothing which we felt was appropriate given the holiday.
Below Laurie, Lucy and Craig are posing together. In the background you can see the new storm door we got recently. Also Don spent some time this weekend painting the trim around the door and basement window. All in all it was a great way to spend the holiday weekend. Now we are just waiting for my new little nephew to be born any day now...
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Anonymous said...

Lucy looks extra-extra adorable in her patriotic outfits! Looks like you all had a fun weekend. And if I'm not mistaken, I think Craig was even wearing his Seinfeld (Kramer) shirt!

Unknown said...

Um, nice cow tipping shirt!
I CANNOT wait for a certain someone to arrive.

Kristin said...

that first picture is SO cute...i love her giraffe outfit! i love all the little excursions you guys do..oh and your window boxes look great!