Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day was a lot of fun. My parents were in town for the weekend and it was great to celebrate with them. My mom, who is the ultimate teacher, was constantly showing Lucy new skills and trying to get her to imitate sounds and motions. I love seeing my parents in the "grandparent role" as they totally and completely embrace it with such fervor.
We went out to brunch for Mother's Day to our favorite Baltimore spot, Mama's on the Half Shell. Pictured below is Lucy handing me my Mother's Day card. Don said he took Lucy to the store and held out two cards and let her grab the card that she wanted to give me--too cute! She had a little help writing out the card though.
Lucy and I at brunch.
The three girls. Also, for Mother's Day my dad and Don gave my mom and I pedicures. So on Saturday we got to get pampered at the local salon.
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Kristin said...

could lucy be any cuter holding that card...and don is adorable, why can i totally picture him at the store letting her pick the card! you are one lucky lady!

Anonymous said...

Very cute pictures! When I first read about the pedicures, I pictured your Dad and Don actually painting your toe nails, but then I got it.
