Monday, June 16, 2008

So Big!

We spent lots of time doing fun activites before Kristin had Baby Milo to help keep her mind off being so completely preggers. I actually was in town a whole 5 days before he was born, so we had lots of time to kill. We went to breakfast, lunch, and did errands and other fun sisterly outings. Here we are below with Lucy at breakfast. Lucy is becoming such a handful when we go out. She loves to practice all her vocalizations and babbling in as loud a voice as possible. We try to find noisy restaurants, so she won't disturb other patrons. Most of the time she likes to stare at other people when we are out. She is such a people-watcher, just like her mom. Although I try to be more subtle about it, but as many of you know subtlety is not my strong suit.

Here Lucy is practicing the new game we play. When we say, "How big is Lucy?" She raises her arms for "So Big!" She gets such a kick out of herself when she does this.

I was actually able to capture on video the first time Lucy identified a word with an object without being prompted first. So I guess this counts as starting to speak independently?


Little's said...

Absolutely adorable!! I love Kristin's little laugh behind the camera!

Jenna said...

lucy looks like she's on a rollercoaster in that "so big" pic.

Kristin said...

i love how excited little lucy gets to do "so big!" she is such a cutie!