Thursday, October 25, 2007

Fall Days

People have been inquiring as to how I have been doing now that I am back to work. I have adjusted reasonably well to the new part time schedule. It is so difficult to leave her in the morning, but I find that I appreciate my time off with her so much more. However, I remain convinced that one of these days I am going to walk out of my office and forget to button my blouse after pumping. The things we go through for our kids! Here is Lucy wearing one of her favorite autumn dresses. Don dressed her this morning and was pretty proud of himself for putting together such a nice look.

Chilling in her froggie onesie. She was also wearing froggie slippers to match (although you can't see them in this shot)

Last weekend we went to another pumpkin farm. We really get into fall activities at our house. Basically it was an excuse to buy an apple pie and dress Lucy up in her Halloween outfit.

Here is Lucy and our good friend, Laurie. Lucy loves hanging out with Laurie, Craig and their dog, Stella. I don't know who looks cuter, Laurie or Lucy!

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Laurie said...

Lucy's definitely cuter... but I can live with that... I wouldn't want it any other way :)

Heather said...

I'm impressed with Don's sense of style! I love her little Halloween shirt. I need one of those for each of my mischievious kids!