This was a night we finally caught our silly girl on camera. One of Lucy's favorite activities is to go to the library where during weekly story time the local librarian tells nursery rhymes and sings songs to the kids. We discovered during one of our days at story time how much Lucy loves to ring bells. So I picked up some for her and she has been ringing them at home ever since. She sure does love to make noise!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Ring those Bells!
Bath time has evolved...
Lucy no longer fits in her infant tub. We were too nervous to put her in the bathtub alone, even though she sits up well on her own because we were afraid she would topple over. Thus, we decided to make bathing a family affair. So every night either Don or I (or in the case below both of us) throw on our bathing suits and jump in the tub with little Lucy. She really enjoys the freedom of sitting up in the tub and she loves to splash in the water. It is so much fun to actually be in the water with her and squirt her with her bath toys. The novelty of this might wear off shortly, but for now we sure are having fun!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Nail Clipper Debacle
Usually when we trim down Lucy's fingernails we use a file. This time we tried a clipper. The dummy-proof baby kind. We ended up clipping off a small part of Lucy's fingertip as well as her nail. Fortunately she was a big girl and it has since healed.
We're not sure when we will try the clippers again...
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Out on the Town with Uncle and Auntie Flores
Last weekend Lucy's aunt and uncle Flores were in town to visit. Not only did Lucy help us party but she was also a big help with all the shopping we did for her new cousin. Here we are at a local restaurant, were Lucy was the life of the party.
Uncle Eric and Aunt Kristin were a huge help and watched Lucy while Kim and I went out for Valentin
e's Day. She sure was a smiley one that weekend!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Grammy's Quilt
Last week my mom came in town to visit with us. It is always great to have her around because she comes up with new and interesting games to play with Lucy. I always learn from her different ways to be more playful and engaging with Lucy. I find that it is hard to know what new skills to work on with Lucy because I never really know what she is capable of yet. Like I didn't even realize until my mom told me that she would be old enough to wave bye-bye. Thank goodness that grandmas are around to show us the ropes.I wanted to post a picture of the beautiful quilt that Grammy made for Lucy. She gave it to her last fall, but I never got around to posting it. It looks awesome in Lucy's room!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Roaring Lion!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Reading with Dad
Things have been kind of hectic around here lately. Last weekend Don and I got food poisoning which was probably one of the worst 24 hours of our lives. Then after recovering from the food poisoning, I got Lucy's cold. It sure is more difficult to recover from illness when you have a little munchkin to take care of. One of her favorite activities in the whole world is reading books. She loves to put them in her mouth and turn the pages.
Lucy turned 7 months old a couple days ago. Things that she is doing lately: smiling constantly, pets the dogs, learned to wave bye-bye, makes funny grunting noises, and she still hates falling asleep on her own for naps (she would much prefer to cuddle with mom in bed and sleep that way).