Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ring those Bells!

This was a night we finally caught our silly girl on camera. One of Lucy's favorite activities is to go to the library where during weekly story time the local librarian tells nursery rhymes and sings songs to the kids. We discovered during one of our days at story time how much Lucy loves to ring bells. So I picked up some for her and she has been ringing them at home ever since. She sure does love to make noise!


Lisa H. said...

What an absolute doll! I can't wait to meet her!

Puppy Pederson said...

What a sweety! Don't know what is cuter--the ringing or all the giggles. Can't wait to see her in just a couple of weeks! Then Lucy you can try out your new car seat. Love, Puppy

Kathy's This and That said...

Could there be anything cuter? That laugh is so infectious...I've played the video several times so I could laugh slonh with my little daring! Can't wait to see you...what animal sound do you want to add next? We csn work on it when you visit...I CAN'T WAIT to see you and your parnets and the animals. Love, Gtammy