Sunday, February 10, 2008

Roaring Lion!

Lucy has been keeping us entertained with new sound effects/vocalizations. Currently she is perfecting the art of the roaring lion. When we say, "Lucy, what does a lion say," she sometimes responds with her little roar. I don't think she knows what she is doing though. It is probably more luck than anything, the fact that she responds with a roar after we ask her to be a lion. Lately, she has choosen to almost exclusively vocalize as a lion-I guess she found cooing to be over-rated.
Here is Lucy caught in the act of her roar. You gotta give it to the kid, she really puts her all into making big girl sounds.
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Anonymous said...

Can we get a video please! :)

Unknown said...

The squinting eyes are very convincing!

Jenna said...

"learned to wave bye-bye" and now "roars like a lion" when prompted...maybe you should start saving for the harvard education now...she sounds super advanced! her bff is not making such strides!!!