Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Grammy's Quilt

Last week my mom came in town to visit with us. It is always great to have her around because she comes up with new and interesting games to play with Lucy. I always learn from her different ways to be more playful and engaging with Lucy. I find that it is hard to know what new skills to work on with Lucy because I never really know what she is capable of yet. Like I didn't even realize until my mom told me that she would be old enough to wave bye-bye. Thank goodness that grandmas are around to show us the ropes.I wanted to post a picture of the beautiful quilt that Grammy made for Lucy. She gave it to her last fall, but I never got around to posting it. It looks awesome in Lucy's room!


Little's said...

What a beautiful quilt!! Lucy is getting sooo big, I can't believe it!

Gibson said...

So lucky that Lucy has such a talented Grammy.

Unknown said...

That quilt is so nice! So did she wave by bye to your mom? :) Hope you had fun with your sister!

Jenna said...

that's just an amazing quilt. your taste + your mom's talent=super cool stuff. i'd just love to hang out with her for a few days while she indulges in fabric and craft.