Thursday, July 17, 2008

1st Year Stats

Weight: 19 lbs 3 oz (25th %)
Height: 30 inches (75 %)

Head Circumference: 44.5 cm (25-50th %)

Interests: Pointing at everything she sees and gesturing as if she is asking the name of the object, playing with balls, taking items off shelves and putting them on the floor, riding on her speedracer from grandma (pictures to come soon), going swimming, getting tickled, throwing her food on the floor while in her highchair (my personal favorite)

Developmental Updates: Continues to cruise, can stand alone but if she realizes she is standing she gets timid and sits down, she took 4 steps on her birthday, crawls everywhere

Words: Mama, Dada, All Done, Uh-Oh, Ow, Ouch, Hi, Bye, Ball, Bubbles, Baby, Beep-Beep, Bu (that how she says bunny), Bottle


Gibson said...

Such a grown up. She is adorable. Can't wait to see her!!

Little's said...

I can't believe how grown up she is already. It seems like just yesterday I found out you pregnant!

Unknown said...

She is such a little darling.
Happy birthday Lucy!