Monday, October 27, 2008


Last week my mom was in town for a visit. Grammy had fun teaching Lucy new tricks, reading to her, putting her to bed at night, and doing bath time. My mom worked all week to teach Lucy how to say "Grammy," but it seems to be a challenging word for her. Finally by the end of their time together, she was saying "ah-mee" (close enough). Also, my mom was nice enough to watch Lucy so that Don and I could go out to dinner. Free babysitting-yeah! I think the highlight though was having my mom join us at our weekly Music Together Class followed by an outing of swimming at our gym. Grammy was even nice enough to make Lucy some fall themed bows, which I am sure will make an appearance in an upcoming post. Lucy is doing a lot of repeating back of words that she hears us saying so I had to provide an update on some of her recent phrases/words: pumpkin, stop and go (which she likes to yell out while I am driving), squash, "get the noodle" (referring to the foam noodle at the pool), bus stop (which she learned today at daycare), socks, poopies, shoes, bow, diaper, pretzel, blankie, thank you, up the stairs, down please, allll dooonnee (dragged out just like so)
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a sweet picture of Lucy looking back at your Mom.