Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekend with Mama

This weekend Don was out of town, so it was just Lucy and I hanging out together. We had a fun filled, jam packed girl's weekend. However, the weekend didn't start out very great as about three hours after Don left I locked Lucy and I out of the house. I had that sinking filling in the pit of my stomach after I closed my front door and realized that my keys were sitting in my entryway. Thankfully our friends Katie and Chris helped us out and after much effort Chris was able to bust into a partially open window (thanks to Don for forgetting to fully close the window). On Friday we went to another pumpkin farm with Lucy's playgroup, which is where the majority of the pictures below are from. On Saturday we went to Port Discovery with my friend, Erika, and her daughter, Sophia. We then grabbed some lunch in the Inner Harbor. We were so busy having fun that I forgot to snap some pictures. Lucy was so tuckered out after a morning of exploration at the museum that she took a 3 hour and 10 minute nap! Too bad my husband wasn't around so that we could hung out during her nap. On Sunday Lucy and I hit the farmer's market for some seasonal veggies and then went to brunch with Laurie at Miss Shirley's. We went to Miss Shirley's at Laurie's suggestion and thoroughly enjoyed the meal. I can't believe I have never been to this wonderful establishment before. I can't wait to go back! I accidentally erased the pictures on my camera of Laurie and Lucy at brunch, but you can see from the picture below that Lucy was all bundled up as we sat outside waiting for a table. Yes, it is finally that time of year where we had to bust out the fall coats this weekend. Randi and Lily enjoying the hayride at the pumpkin farm.
Our playgroup had a blast at Weber's Farm. There was a petting zoo and plenty of room for the kids to run around.
Maria (the bumble bee) and Lucy (the pig) were decked out in their Halloween costumes.
Lily is always willing to stop and pose for a photo. Lucy on the other hand doesn't want to be bothered with pictures these days.
Grady's feet couldn't reach the petals of the tractor, but he sure enjoyed being pushed around. Isn't this little kid sized tractor adorable?
The ladies decided to chill and take a little breather after all their romping around.
Plan on seeing a lot of pictures of Lucy in her costume in upcoming posts. I want to get as much mileage out of it as possible.
It wouldn't be a trip to the pumpkin farm without the classic photo amongst pumpkins.

Have you ever seen a cuter bumble bee in your life?
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Little's said...

What a fun weekend...sorry about the keys. Lucy is adorable in that costume. Kennedy has that exact bumble bee costume that Maria does.

Mandy Kalins said...

I love Lucy's pig costume!! She is adorable!

McCulloch Family said...

I just laughed OUT LOUD at the pic of Lucy amongst the pumpkins...leg kicked up and tongue out. LOVE IT!!!

Kristin said...

miss piggy is too excited we get to see her on halloween, but i think milo will win the costume contest! ;)

Unknown said...

Bob and I both agree the pig costume is AWESOME.