Thursday, January 3, 2008

How Many X-mas Outfits Can One Little Girl Have?

We sure had fun dressing up Lucy in all her Christmas outfits. Here she is surrounded by her Christmas presents in her dress from Aunt Jody. She is fascinated by bright colors and crinkling sounds, so she was just the right age to get into the whole opening of presents.Lucy loves to play "big girl standing up" with her dad (and her Uncle Eric, and her Aunt Kristin, and anyone else that is so inclined to play it with her).
Even when she is just chilling out doing some tummy time, she has to be styling with a Christmas bow to match her outfit.

Lucy loved wearing her red Christmas sweater and hat from Aunt Leslie. She was a trooper hanging out in her stroller during our last minute Christmas shopping.
Lucy perched on her big present from Grammy and Puppy.
I insisted that Lucy be allowed to open all her presents, rather than us doing it for her. Thus, it took us 4 days to get through them all since her naps, feeding, etc. kept distracting her from the task at hand. It was a lot of work to open all those gifts!
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Jenna said...

you're hilarious. four days??!! Do you think it's horrible that Jillian didn't open even ONE of her presents??!! Poor third child. She seems to be handling it well, though. Lucy is adorable. Glad you got back to blogging! I've taken a hiatus here and there.

Unknown said...

Her expression in the third picture down is so funny.
I can't believe you waited for her to open each gift either.

Anonymous said...

I MISS HER!!! Happy 6 month birthday little Lulu!